We are extremely excited to announce a partnership with Gastrono-Me in Cambridge and Bury St Edmunds for a combined brunch and wreath-making event…including a merry Me-Mosa! Join us at their beautiful restaurant to enjoy a sumptuous brunch of your choice, before making your own wreath to take home and enjoy!
On the sustainability front, we have added another workshop to our Christmas offerings: Sustainable Christmas arrangements in Churches! We’ve noticed that some churches are finding it difficult to transition from using floral foam to more sustainable arranging methods. We will therefore be demonstrating a range of sustainable floristry techniques and introducing the latest eco innovation of fibre-blocks. This demonstration will focus on large arrangements, as well as smaller ones to decorate pews and windowsills. Come and join us on Saturday November 12th, between15:30-17:00. And if you don’t have a Church to arrange your flowers in, not to worry, these techniques can be applied at home as well!
The usual offer of Christmas Wreath workshops and Table Arrangements remain open for bookings and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would prefer a private workshop with family or friends - starting from 5 participants. Please get in touch soon, as available dates are running out!
We are looking forward to welcoming you in our studio this season