Paula Dyason from Strictly Daylilies runs a specialist nursery based in Histon. Paula’s mother was an enthusiastic collector with over 200 varieties and passed her passion to her daughter. The garden collection rapidly expanded with daylily plants coming from many sources. In 2012 a large collection of daylilies was purchased and Strictly Daylilies Ltd was born. With over 87,000 registered varieties of hemerocallis, there’s plenty to go on as a specialist. The number of plants in stock has risen to over 25,000 with approximately 2,000 different varieties. The nursery now has 5 acres of land and the business has become one of the largest growers of daylilies in the UK. Meanwhile Paula has begun significant breeding programmes producing 7,000 to 10,000 seedlings each year with a focus on clear bright colours and patterned unusual forms with excellent plant habits suited for the UK climate.
Venue : St Laurence Church Hall, 91 Milton Rd, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Competition : a photograph of your pond